Your Column Here – Hate Has No Place in Santa Monica, or Anywhere

Screenshot of SMDP post, "Your Column Here- Hate has no place in Santa Monica, or Anywhere


This morning, Community Corp. Executive Director Tara Barauskas and Dr. Karen Gunn–co-founder of the Santa Monica Black Agenda–penned this critical op-ed piece in the Santa Monica Daily Press about a number of recent acts of bigotry in our community and the steps we can all take to ensure that hate has no place in Santa Monica.

“It is up to each of us to break that silence, to choose to treat people with compassion and understanding, rather than prejudice and hate. The challenges of this moment are not an excuse to discriminate or belittle people to make yourself feel better. When you see an act of hate in our community– name it – do something about it –Stand Up for Justice!”

Please visit The Santa Monica Daily Press website to read the entire article here!